An error during network installation "Access is denied"

During installation, you need write-access to the student and teacher directories – something like this error message indicates that you don’t have this. If you get this message, you need to Abort the installation, and do the following:

  1. Check the permissions on the student and teacher folders and see if you appear to have write access. One way of checking this is to try doing the file copy “by hand” – e.g. in the case of the above error message, try dragging the file “EuroTalk Student Program.ini” from the location specified in the error message to a new location in the shared students folder using Windows Explorer. If this doesn’t work then there is an access problem on your network – are you able to resolve this?
  2. It also might help to try the installation again, giving a local rather than network paths to the student and teacher directories (e.g “C:\Student Shared\EuroTalk Students” rather than “\SERVER1\Student Shared\EuroTalk Students”)